For the first time in 40 years, war has been declared. Due to the controversy, surrounding the foreign ministers death
a declaration of war was sent to Zapona from Astano. Troops from both sides have been massing on the border for day. Since both contries have Nuclear and Hydrogen Bombs, a treaty is likely to be sent to prevent the use of them in this war.The governments of Asivta and the Plazio Republic both condemn the war.
Inflation in Canto-Lepuo
The rate of inflation in Canto-Lepuo has started to slow and is predicted to soon start decreasing. This is due to 1) The Astonian dollar becoming an accepted and widely used currency and 2) a scheme where by coins can be traded in for a deposit of the same amount in your bank account to reduce the amount of coins in circulation.
Widespread Economic Plateau
Due to the war, Astano - a key producer of raw resources and oil - has cut trade to known Zapona allies. This has started an economic stagnation in many countries due to their reliance on these products