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Contenental News; Issue 2

War declared, peace broken

For the first time in 40 years, war has been declared. Due to the controversy, surrounding the foreign ministers death a declaration of war was sent to Zapona from Astano. Troops from both sides have been massing on the border for days. Due to the fact that both contries have Nuclear and Hydrogen Bombs, a treaty is likely to be sent to prevent the use of them in this war. Canto-Lepuo is likely - once it inflation starts to decrease - to join the war on the side of Astano, and Vanto is likely to join on the side of Zapona. We will have updates as they come.

Inflation in Canto-Lepuo

Inflation in Canto-Lepuo has started to flatten and might soon start to decrease due to the Atanion Dollar becoming an accepted currency.

Economic Plateau

Due to the war, Astano - a key producer of steel and oil - has cut trade to known Zapona allies. This has started an economic stagnation in many countries due to their relience on these products